Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cerita Kakek pernah jadi wakil rakyat

       Kerendahan tidak datang dengan gelar,semua itu datang dari dalam.tak dapat di rekayasa apalagi pakai politik uang.Keegoan atau kesombongan hanya menutupi kesucian jiwa.
      Selangkah kita menutupi kesombongan atau ketidak benaran,seribu langkah kita akan di kejarnya,segera kikis pola pikir kesombongan dan secepatnya kita menyadarinya untuk menjadi rendah hati sebagai jiwa yang agung.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What's in a name

      What's in a name, so the word William Shakespeare in the play Romeo and Juliet, from the statement, can be Capture the impression that the name is not a important matters that should be in think, translated or browse the sense and fower, may not be meaningful nothing, or even no effect at all.
        but we are not a Shakespeare, after all we both know until death, Shakespeare was never even change the name, meaning that Shakespeare enjoy the love of her parents' names itself, by that name he became popular people.

take care of Eating

    The wise man said "eat to live not live to eat." So we know
 that eating is not a small affair,eating becomes a problemand at
 the same time an important issuenot just for humans but forall living
 beingssince eating is important for life and living important to have
 childrenthen there should be nosooner or laterthe food is not balanced
 by the number of living thingsthe number of eatersboth human and other 
living thingswhich require increased living space continues to grow.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I want to get rich

,       I take mine cpu is already obsolete. the room who do not have room, kitchen, living room and the other spaces, elbow room measuring only 3 * 4m two children and my wife floor. while asleep with dreams sleep.Iam looking they at the face, especially the face my wife is pregnant again with our second and has now stepped on the moon every day always to seven.but just help me find my wife living, actually I always forbade him to work, ESPECIALLY with a growing bell expand.but possible Because of economic pressure, the which at the moment I Unable to inadequate then my wife had to keep working.


Heaven on the soles of your foot 

Singer: Gita Gutawa 
Sing all the songs for you Mom, 
as a form unto thanks 
You fought tirelessly raised me 
Give the best for me 
Let your hand kiss 
And  I bow in your lapFind peace dihangat hug you 
I believed and believe in my heart

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

song of the soul

Song of the soul...
Orange winged through the clouds,
 a black cloud Spilled hit by lightning,
Eyes of the heart Like a knife ripping doubt,
 Today I swallowed all of the past,
My blue blue blue blue,
My black black black black,
I used to love being stabbed Ever
thrown a storm,
But I'm still standing.

Monday, February 13, 2012

orgasm in a virtual world (for what to write blog)

       Why do we blog? Yes I am sure this question a lot going on hearts of the bloggers, How not to maintain a blog, for remain active and take no small effort. It is not solely related to the search of ideas for writing or posts but also about up to the SEO issues and all that stuff, But what did we do all of it ... Money?

street vendors complained

       I'm here with all the hope, the journey is so heavy, see the singers, they are cool to play cheerful music, I entertained but little ... ah! what's on their minds? whether the same about any anxieties about life mirage that some people feel how weight.

backlink for what...!?

     make a new blog, new post some already busy search article backlinks, comments here and there even be a similar spam. what do you expect? visitor? pagerank?

    if expecting visitors, how many many visitors who come from The comments backlink? thousands? I'm not sure.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

tidak ada judul

Ibu, Ibu oh, datang mengguncang keluar riang
dari pembaringannya
Kosongkan ember itu,menyalakan tungku
Menjahit kancing dan merapihkan tempat tidur.
Dimana ibu yang rumahnya begitu
Dia di kamar bayi, bahagia dengan was-was si bayi terbangun.
Oh, aku sudah dewasa sebagai beban yang membawa beban

Monday, February 06, 2012

orgasme di dunia maya (untuk apa ngeblog....)

Mengapa kita ngeblog? Ya saya yakin
pertanyaan ini banyak berkecamuk di
hati para blogger . Betapa tidak untuk
mempertahankan sebuah blog untuk
tetap aktif membutuhkan waktu dan
usaha yang tidak sedikit. Hal ini tidak
semata-mata berkaitan dengan
pencarian ide untuk penulisan atau
postingan tapi juga menyangkut
hingga kepada persoalan SEO dan
segala macamnya.
Jadi untuk apakah kita melakukan
semua itu… Uang?